Community Guidelines

Hero Culture Community Guidelines

Hero Culture reflects a positive and purpose-driven lifestyle. This is a community where we support each other in what we do.


To summarize our Community Guidelines: Be Safe. Be Honest. Be Kind. And of course, Respect the Rights of Others and the Law.


We believe we can be an amazing community. We do not want to have to moderate and facilitate action against your account or content due to violating our community policies, but we will exercise due diligence. If you see something you believe may violate our policies, whether in profiles, posts, messages, or anywhere else, please report it to us.

These policies apply to all users. Depending on the severity of violation, we may remove it entirely. If you believe content was removed in error, you can contact us via the app. Repeated or severe offenses can result in a temporary or permanent restriction from Hero Culture.

Be Safe.

Safety starts with you. Every individual has the responsibility to create a safe environment by simply protecting the safety of others in their own environment first. If every individual follows, this community would be the safest place on the planet. Who wouldn’t want that?

Do not engage in unwanted advances: We don’t allow unwanted expressions of attraction, desire, sexual advances or innuendo, or lewd remarks. Do not use Hero Culture to provide sexual commentary on someone’s appearance.

Do not harass or bully: We don’t allow bullying or harassment. This includes abusive language, revealing others’ personal or sensitive information, or inciting or engaging others to do any of the same.

Do not threaten, incite, or promote violence: We don’t allow threatening or inciting violence of any kind. We don’t allow individuals or groups that engage in or promote violence, property damage, or organized criminal activity. You may not use Hero Culture to express support for such individuals or groups or to otherwise glorify violence.

Do not share harmful or shocking material: We don't allow content that is excessively gruesome or shocking. This includes content that is sadistic or gratuitously graphic, such as the depiction of severe physical violence. We don’t allow content or activities that promote, organize, depict, or facilitate criminal activity. We also don’t allow content depicting or promoting instructional weapon making, drug abuse, and threats of theft. Do not engage in or promote non-consensual sexually explicit content, escort services, prostitution, exploitation of children, or human trafficking. Do not share content or activities that promote or encourage suicide or any type of self-injury, including self-mutilation and eating disorders. If you see signs that someone may be considering self-harm, please support them by reporting it to someone who can help.

Do not post terrorist content or promote terrorism: We don’t allow any terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups on our platform. And we don’t allow any individuals who affiliate with such organizations or groups to promote their activities. Content that depicts terrorist activity, that is intended to recruit for terrorist organizations, or threatens, promotes, or supports terrorism in any manner is not tolerated.

Be Honest.

There is no reason to artificially increase the number of views, shares, likes, or comments on your posts because we do not have any of those features. There is no need to create an “image” for yourself that does not reflect the real you. Just be authentic, because this platform is designed to truly support you and others, and authenticity is the best way to achieve this goal.

Do not share false or misleading content: Do not share content in a way that you know is, or think may be, misleading or inaccurate, including misinformation or disinformation. Do not share content to interfere with or improperly influence an election or another civic process. Do not share content that directly contradicts guidance from leading global health organizations and public health authorities. Do not post content that denies a well-documented historical event such as the Holocaust or slavery. Do not share false content or information, including news stories, that present untrue facts or events as though they are true or likely true. Do not post “deepfake” images or videos of others or otherwise post content that has been manipulated to deceive.

Do not create a fake profile or falsify information about yourself: We don’t allow fake profiles or entities. Do not post misleading or deceptive information about yourself, your business, affiliations, or achievements. Do not use an image of someone else, or any other image that is not your likeness, for your profile photo. Do not associate yourself on Hero Culture with a business or organization that you are not actually associated with. Do not use or attempt to use another person's Hero Culture account or create a user profile for anyone other than yourself. And do not share your Hero Culture account with anyone else.

Do not engage in spam or scams: We don’t allow untargeted, irrelevant, obviously unwanted, unauthorized, inappropriately commercial or promotional, or gratuitously repetitive messages or other similar content. Do not use Hero Culture to sensationalize or capitalize on tragic events for commercial purposes. Do not use our messaging and recommendations feature to send promotional messages to people you don’t know and spam people.

Be Kind.

We can accomplish so much with kindness. It is one of our strongest assets and is the one thing we can give even when we have nothing at all. Let’s not just be a community of people, let’s be a community of the kindest people around.

Do not be hateful: We don’t allow content that attacks, belittles, intimidates, dehumanizes, incites or threatens hatred, violence, prejudicial or discriminatory action against individuals or groups because of their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disability status. Hate groups are not permitted on Hero Culture. Do not use racial, religious, or other slurs that incite or promote hatred, or any other content intended to create division.

Do not share content containing sexually explicit material or language (some adult content may be allowed if the intent is clearly educational, medical, scientific, or artistic, and it’s not gratuitously graphic).

Do not interact with others or share content in a way that’s irrelevant (e.g. “trolling”), inappropriate, disrespectful, or otherwise inflammatory.

Do not share junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing schemes, or any other scams are also prohibited.

Respect others’ rights and follow the law

Respect others' privacy: You may not disclose or distribute on Hero Culture any data obtained in violation of any of our policies or agreements; disclose information that you don’t have the right to disclose (such as personal or confidential information of others); or post or distribute content depicting children without the necessary consent from their legal guardian or parent. Don’t use others' names, likenesses, or photos to suggest an endorsement of a product, service, or investment without their prior consent.

Comply with the law: You must comply with all applicable laws, including, for example, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements. Do not use Hero Culture to create or operate a pyramid scheme, engage in fraud, or to sell or promote illegal products, including drugs.

Respect the intellectual property of others and do not violate the intellectual property rights of others: We respect the intellectual property rights of others. Do not violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights. For example, do not copy or distribute (except through the available sharing functionality) the posts or other content of others without their permission, which they may give by posting under a Creative Commons license.

Respect Hero Culture’s rights

Do not violate the rights of Hero Culture. You can read more about our rights in the User Agreement. You may not suggest you are affiliated with or endorsed by Hero Culture when you are not. Don’t’ violate our intellectual property rights, copy Hero Culture, or disrupt or interfere with the platform.