#22 Practice Makes Progress (8/04/2022)

It has been two months since I posted an update on this website and I have been very "radio silent". 

I have been working on a ton of things, both app related and personal. This app is deeply connected with personal development for me, so a lot of things I learn and work on get implemented into the app in some way.  

One of the big things I am having to learn and accept is that I need to just share whatever I have that can help people, even if I think it is not perfected yet. I have been spending a lot of time on improvements and upgrades and researching to make sure I am creating the best possible systems and everything. Deep down, I know this has been holding me back from completing and releasing the app. 

Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes progress. Going deep into any industry/hobby/career you will find that there are an infinite number of skills and ways that you can improve. At some point, you must say, "this is good enough for now, I know I will improve over time, but I have to accept that this is everything I got right now." This is exactly what I am telling myself. 

I have been watching a ton of other successful people in business, sports, and innovations. They all say just about the same thing: Just start doing and sharing the thing you are doing, and do not worry about being the best or perfect at it. So many people go into unknown territory and immediately release products/services without knowing much of anything. They get better along the way and end up very successful. 

So, this is not just a note for me, but hopefully a word of inspiration to anyone. You don't have to know everything or be perfect to get started, many people just start with one small thing and let it grow from there. 

I want to live by this word. So here is my commitment to wrapping up and launching the app this month: I have a list of 7 specific things I absolutely need to finish for the app, which should take me no longer than a week. After this point, I will submit the app to both the Google and Apple Stores and wait for approval (3-7 days). After that, I will launch immediately without any official launch date planned. Everyone subscribed by email will get a notification.

-Nick Leehy